Rainbow bridge, rough animation cut

You have been invited to watch an early rough animation cut of Acts 1 & 2 (out of four Acts) of Rainbow Bridge, a 25 minute, animated short film.


Rainbow Bridge follows the life of a boy who finds comfort in the unwavering love of his first puppy—a Christmas gift that becomes the foundation of a lifelong bond. Through childhood, adulthood, and into old age, the three dogs he cherishes and loses shape his journey, teaching him about love, loyalty, and the bittersweet passage of time. In the end, as he takes his final steps beyond this life, he dreams about the chance of meeting his faithful companions again.

What is a Rough Animation Cut?

A rough animation cut means you’re viewing a work in progress. You may see animation that looks finely tuned against animation that looks crude and incomplete. Other things you’ll notice are:

  1. Humans are not wearing the proper clothes or wearing the same clothes every day.

  2. Dogs are not aging as they should over time.

  3. Actors may move around the screen awkwardly, or not all.

  4. Faces and hair color may change from scene to scene.

  5. Hair may move suddenly or strangely.

  6. Crowd scenes are missing “the crowds” ;-)

  7. Things may pop on and off the screen for no reason.

The point is, you will see many incomplete aspects of the film visually. These issues are normal while making any animated film before the film’s release date.

Survey at the end of act-2

At the end of Act-2, approximately 18 1/2 minutes into the film, a button will appear inviting you to participate in a survey about what you just watched as well as offering you a chance to offer any additional thoughts or comments you may have. If for any reason you can’t access the survey, you can click the button below the video.

thank you

Thank you for participating in this survey. Your objective input will help us fine tune the film as we near the finish line ;-)

scroll down to view the rough animation cut